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IT/OT Convergence

IT/OT Convergence: A Game-changing Trend in Industrial Automation

In recent years, the convergence of information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) has emerged as a game-changing trend in industrial automation. This trend has been driven by the growing demand for greater efficiency, reliability, and safety in industrial processes, as well as the need to integrate data from various sources to enable better decision-making.

IT & OT Systems integrated through Industrial-grade Networks
IT & OT Systems integrated through Industrial-grade Networks.

IT/OT convergence refers to the integration of information technology (IT) systems and operational technology (OT) systems within industrial processes. IT systems are typically used for data management, analytics, and communication, while OT systems are used for the control and automation of physical processes, such as manufacturing, energy production, and transportation.

Traditionally, these two types of systems have worked separately, with IT systems focusing on business functions and OT systems focusing on production processes. However, as the digitalisation of industrial processes has accelerated the need for integration between IT and OT has become more pressing.

Why is IT/OT Convergence Important?

IT/OT convergence offers a range of benefits for industrial organisations, including improved efficiency, productivity, and safety. By integrating IT and OT systems, organisations can gain greater visibility into their operations, identify inefficiencies, and make data-driven decisions to optimise their processes.

For example, by integrating data from sensors, machines, and other sources, organisations can gain real-time insights into the performance of their equipment and identify potential issues before they become critical. This can help to reduce downtime, increase productivity, and improve safety by enabling proactive maintenance and repair.

In addition, IT/OT convergence can help organisations to improve collaboration between departments and functions, by breaking down silos and enabling greater sharing of information. This can help to improve decision-making and facilitate more effective problem-solving, as well as enabling organisations to respond more quickly to changing market conditions.

IT/OT convergence can help organisations improve their cybersecurity posture by enabling them to implement more effective security controls and monitoring across their entire infrastructure. This is becoming increasingly important as industrial organisations become more digitised and connected, and face growing threats from cyberattacks.

Challenges of IT/OT Convergence

Despite the benefits of IT/OT convergence, there are also a number of challenges that organisations need to address in order to successfully implement this trend. These challenges include:

  • Cultural barriers: IT and OT teams often have different cultures, priorities, and ways of working, which can make it difficult to achieve collaboration and integration.

  • Legacy systems: Many industrial organisations have invested heavily in legacy OT systems, which can be difficult to integrate with modern IT systems.

  • Security risks: The integration of IT and OT systems can create new security risks, such as the potential for cyberattacks and data breaches.

  • Lack of standardisation: There is a lack of standardisation in the IT/OT space, which can make it difficult to achieve interoperability between different systems and vendors.

  • Skills shortage: There is a shortage of skilled professionals who have the knowledge and experience to integrate IT and OT systems effectively.

Overcoming these challenges requires a holistic approach that involves collaboration between IT and OT teams, as well as a clear understanding of the organisation's goals and priorities.

Need guidance on how to integrate your IT & OT systems?

10 Best Practices for IT/OT Convergence

To successfully implement IT/OT convergence, organisations can adopt the next 10 best practices, including:

  1. Develop a clear strategy with defined goals, metrics, and timelines.

  2. Build a cross-functional team with input from IT, OT, cybersecurity, and data analytics.

  3. Use standards-based approaches to achieve interoperability between systems and vendors.

  4. Conduct a comprehensive risk assessment to identify potential security risks and develop a plan to mitigate them.

  5. Prioritise communication and collaboration between IT and OT teams, and foster a culture of openness and knowledge sharing. Internal Marketing Activities can aid with team communication.

  6. Invest in training and development for IT and OT professionals to build the necessary skills and knowledge.

  7. Work with an IT services company specialised in Industrial Settings and Enterprise Integration to deploy a converged network and to connect your OT to your IT systems.

  8. Use pilot projects to test and refine the convergence strategy before scaling up.

  9. Develop a roadmap for implementation that takes into account existing systems, legacy infrastructure, and budget constraints.

  10. Continuously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the convergence strategy, and adjust as needed to ensure it remains aligned with business goals and priorities.

Learn more about IT & OT Convergence by watching this webinar with real-life manufacturing case studies:

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